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Anyone can get food borne disease which occurs after consuming contaminated foods. Certain foods such as raw foods, salad bars, sea food, street food and under-cooked meat have been identified as causes of food borne diseases. In fact food borne illness affects millions of people every year.
If you are experiencing the symptoms like frequent vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramping, fever and dehydration, the most probable explanations is that food-borne illness or food poisoning has affected you. Symptoms can show up within three to thirty-six hours of eating contaminated food.
Though food borne diseases get cured on their own with in two three days, but certain steps should be taken to recover fast from this disease as it can turn fatal. For preventing food borne illnesses, it is necessary to follow proper hygiene and proper food handling practices.
Home Remedies For Food Borne Diseases
Food borne diseases can be easily treated with simple and effective home remedies unless there is severe vomiting and diarrhea accompanied by blood in stool or urine, problem with breathing, intense pain and skin rashes. If the person affected is a child, elderly person, pregnant woman or has some health issues, you must seek medical help.
Water And Fluids
It is necessary to keep the body hydrated as body loses more water through vomiting and diarrhea when you suffer from food borne illnesses. Water content also helps to rid the body from toxins and bacteria and helps the body to recover. Take proper rest and drink lots of fluids. Drinking fluids will replace the minerals you have lost.
Some good rehydrating options are water with electrolytes, fortified bottled water and sports drinks. You can prepare rehydration mix at home by mixing 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tsp. salt, 2 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice in 1 liter bottled water. The antiseptic properties of lemon and lime will not only add flavor to the drink but speed up the healing process.
Along with rehydrating, some herbal teas are very helpful in settling the nauseated stomach. Ginger tea or ginger extract mixed with lemon juice can help to control nausea. Peppermint tea, chamomile, blackberry and raspberry teas are some effective options that can soothe and calm the stomach by minimizing the cramps and neutralizing the effect of poison.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a popular remedy for food borne diseases. This is an effective remedy because vinegar is alkaline in nature and as result can soothe the gastro intestinal lining and can disinfect the stomach by making the environment inhospitable for the bacteria to breed, which makes the recovery faster.
Either take 1-2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar diluted with 8 oz of water or mix in ½ glass of warm drinking water. You can add little honey to sweeten the drink. Sipping this drink 3-4 times a day will bring relief.
Also Read
How To Keep Water Water Borne Diseases At Bay
Natural Home Remedies For Parasites
How To Deal With Food Poisoning
How To Get Relief From Food Poisoning
Taking a tablespoon of honey mixed with a few drops of ginger juice can help to reduce pain and inflammation.
Bananas have also been found to be an effective remedy for reducing the effect of food borne diseases. Bananas are rich in potassium and provide relief from diarrhea.
Apples contain enzymes that can kill the bacteria that causes diarrhea and reduces stomach ache, acid reflux and heart burn.
Basil Leaves
Basil leaves are considered to be another good home remedy for food borne stomach ache. Taking juice of few basil leaves after extracting the leaves and adding 1tbsp honey will soothe the stomach pain and inflammation and reduce vomiting.
Activated Charcoal
Activated charcoal is the most popular and effective remedy for food borne illnesses. They are available in drug stores in the form of tablets. It helps in absorbing the bacteria and throwing them out of your body.
Over the counter medicines stop vomiting, diarrhea and cramps but do not address the root cause of the problem. Home remedies allow your body to get rid of toxins by letting it do its work without interfering with the healing process.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.