Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Post Nasal Drip

Nasal Drip

Post nasal drip also known as (UACS) upper airway cough syndrome occurs when mucus is produced by the nasal mucosa. Mucus is a thick wet substance that helps to destroy foreign invaders like viruses and bacteria before they get into your body and cause infection.

The excess production triggers the postnasal drip that has possible causes including flu, birth control pills, excess dryness in the air, cold, pregnancy, sinus infection, fumes from smoke, perfume, chemicals and cleaning products. Symptoms of postnasal drip includes coughing, difficulty in breathing, wheezing, cracking voice, sore throat, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, bad breath, congestion in the nasal, tickling in the throat, frequent spitting and rhinnorea.

Post-nasal drip creates an annoying feeling that makes you want to clear your throat. The feeling of liquid in your throat is very irritating and contains inflammatory substances, to get rid out of this you need to follow certain herbs that contain anti-inflammatory properties.

Best Herbal Remedies For Post Nasal Drip 



Goldenseal is the most effective herb that helps to fight sinus infection, this herb fights infection and reduces inflammation due to it’s anti-inflammatory properties.Goldenseal herb should be taken until the unwanted bacteria get’s killed. Blood pressure patients should avoid this herb.



Ginger is an popular remedy to treat post-nasal drip as it has excellent anti-inflammatory properties that is available almost in every kitchen and reduces post-nasal symptoms.Extract ginger juice from fresh grated ginger and mix it with honey 3 times a day for best results. You can even prepare a ginger tea by boiling a fresh piece of ginger in 4 glasses of water and drink this concoction 4 times a daily to relief from post nasal symptoms.



Eucalyptus has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties that helps to loosen the mucus in the respiratory system and works as an antiseptic tonic.You can even gargle with eucalyptus leaves another way is taking a steam of eucalyptus leaves. Just place few leaves in a pan filled with boiled water and place a towel over your head to inhale the steam. This is an effective remedy to exit the mucus from the body.



The bark of this barberry root is used in medicinal purposes as well berries. It has a high content of vitamin C and contains berberine alkaloids, which has anti-microbial properties. These properties help in warding off infection and relieve post-nasal symptoms.Barberry reduces the incidence of infections from first and second degree. You can prepare barberry tea by boiling 4 grams of dried toots in hot water, drink this tea four times a day to cure post-nasal symptoms.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also known as the “mother” of vinegar. If you are suffering from excess mucus in the throat nose or cavities, mix 2 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and place a small amount in your palm blocking one nostril.Then place the other nostril into the ACV solution and sniff hard. You will soon experience the disinfecting and mucus-cutting benefits of this ACV solution deep into your sinusitis. You can even gargle with this solution for sore throat.

Apart from above, many herbs like rosemary, licorice, peppermint, horseradish root, baking soda, butterbur, fenugreek, grape seed extract and yarrow also helps to deal with post-nasal drip.

Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Post Nasal Drip

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.