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Bone spur is basically an extra bone growth that occurs due to deposition of calcium on the bones. This creates pressure on the surrounding tissues and skin. Bone spurs, also known as osteophytes often develop on spinal joints. In addition, this abnormal growth can also occur on the joints of the feet, hips, shoulders and knees.Though bone spurs do not cause pain themselves but you may experience some pain when it gets rubbed against some other bones or surrounding nerves. This is one of the important signs of spine degeneration often observed in people around or above 60 years of age.Bone spurs in most cases are not preventable and often need treatment like surgery for removing the bone spurs. In such cases, home remedies prove very useful as they can help in reducing the discomforts caused by bone spurs.
Most Effective Home Remedies For Bone Spurs
Ice Pack
Applying ice pack on the projected area about 4-5 times a day can greatly help reduce the inflammation caused by bone spurs. If you still feel a lot of pain and other discomfort, you can alternatively use hot packs for treating bone spurs. This helps in increasing the flow of blood in the problematic area and can give you some relief.
Turmeric is considered to be one of the best home remedies for treating bone spurs. The yellow pigment found in turmeric, called curcumin proves to be very effective in curing bone spurs.You need to consume about 500-1000 mg curcumin every day 3-4 times per day before you eat or drink anything. You many need to do this every day for at least 6 weeks to see an improvement in your condition.
You can also apply hot flaxseed pack on the affected area to get some relief. It has anti-inflammatory properties that helps in reducing the pain and swelling of the projected area caused due to bone spurs.You can even place the flaxseed pads on the affected bone for 4-5 times a day for about five weeks or until you get rid of the discomfort.
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Home Remedies For Bone Spurs
Essentials For Building Strong Bones
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Home Remedies For Joint Pain
If you have bone spurs in your heels or foot, taking footbath is considered to be an effective home remedy that helps treat bone spurs. You can use both hot and cold water alternatively for taking footbath.
Exercises are considered to be helpful in treating uncomfortable bone spurs. You can practice mild exercise, yoga and effective asanas to get rid of the bone spurs.This may not bring immediate relief but proves to be effective in the long run and slowly you can find great relief.
Weight Loss
Try to lose some weight as it directly reduces the pressure on the affected area, especially in case of bone spur in the foot. It is one of the most effective home remedies for treating bone spurs.
Linseed Oil
Linseed oil is also one of the most effective home remedies for bone spurs. You need to soak a clean cloth in lukewarm linseed oil and then keep it on the region affected with bone spur. Also, cover the cloth with a shower cap or a plastic for about 2 hours. You can even keep a heating pad on the oil soaked cloth kept over your affected bone for getting some relief.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.