6 Superlative Homemade Face Packs To Get Away With Hirsutism!

Superlative Homemade Face Packs To Get Away With Hirsutism

It is rightly said that “A Beautiful Women Delights the Eye”. But many-a-times, a majority of women may experience the profound issue of Hirsutism, which in Medical Terminology is appropriately termed as the over-growth of facial hair, which may feel you embarrassed while sitting in a gathering and will works as an obstructive element in the beauty of a women. According to a research conducted on the above cited subject matter, a lot of adverse factors will assemble together and will consequently results in Hirsutism. Some of these factors includes over-usage of chemical-based beauty products, hormonal glitches, lack of sleep, improper diet plan, sedentary lifestyle and many more.

Out of disgust, many of us may opt for quite an expensive solutions for getting away with this beauty obstructive issue like laser treatments, threading, facial waxing , Bleaching and many more but mind it, following of these procedures can be risky and expensive. So, today we have figure out some natural home based packs that can assist you in getting away with Hirsutism in an incredible manner at large.

Here Are Some Superlative Homemade Face Packs To Get Away With Hirsutism:

1. Honey And Lime Juice Face Pack:

This is a perfect and easy to use face pack for getting away with Hirsutism or undesirable growth of facial hair. Honey used in this pack offers a sound hydrating effect to your facial hair, along with the lime juice that works as a superb exfoliator that deep-cleanses an nourishes your skin form inside. Nevertheless, this amalgamated face pack is enriched with innumerable anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that offers quite incredible benefits to your skin.

Ingredients And Method Of Use:

Honey: 3-4 teaspoons
Lime juice: 4-5 drops

For optimally using this face pack for eradicating the undesirable hair from your face, just combine both these ingredients well in the form of a thick and consistent paste. Then, apply this pack on your clean face and let it be on for about half an hour. Next, wipe off this pack with a cotton cloth drenched in Luke-warm water. For optimum benefits try to use this face pack at least thrice a week.

Honey And Lime Juice

2. Turmeric Powder And Coconut Oil Face Pack:

This is one of the most preferred and simple solution that one can follow to get rid of hirsutism or unwanted facial hair while sitting at the comfort of his home. Besides this, its application will bless you with a flawless and soft skin in a laudable manner.

Ingredients And Method Of Use:

Turmeric Powder: 1 Teaspoon
Coconut oil: 2-3 teaspoons

For preparing this face mask, just combine both the above specified ingredients well in the form of a thick consistent paste and then heat this pack on a low-flame for about a minute. After a while, just apply this pack on your face and then gently massage your face for 5-10 minutes. After this, wipe it off with fresh water. For optimum results follow up this pack at least thrice or four times a week.

Turmeric Powder And Coconut Oil

3. Raw Papaya And Milk Face Pack:

This is another most useful home remedy for getting rid of hirsutism in an incrediblemanner. Both these are easily available ingredients from your pantry and its application will make your face lustrous and glamorous quite naturally.

Ingredients And Method Of Use:

Raw-Papaya: 1 cup, properly mashed
Milk: 2-3 tablespoons

Mix well both the ingredients enlisted below and then make a thick consistent paste. Next, apply it appropriately on your clean face and let be on for a fraction of 15-20 minutes. Later on wipe it off with a soft and moist cotton towel. For optimum benefits, try this face pack daily on routine basis for about a month and then see its majestic effect to make your face hair-free.

Raw Papaya And Milk

4. Egg And Gram Flour Face Pack:

Egg is an important ingredient in this pack that aids in shrinking the open pores and thus offering a tightening effect to your skin. Amalgamation of gram flour in this pack not only brightens up your skin but will also eradicates all the the severe issue of hirsutism or unwanted facial hair, thus assigning you with an enhanced beauty.

Ingredients And Method Of Use:

Egg-white: of 1 egg
Gram-Flour: 2 tablespoons

Mix both the ingredients well, in the required ratio as enlisted above. Optionally, you can also add 1-2 drops of lemon juice into this pack that acts as a natural bleaching agent. Next, apply this amalgamated paste on your face in a well proportionate manner focusing essentially on all those areas that has an extreme growth of hair. Then, retain this pack for at least half an hour and then generously massage your face with wet finger tips and wipe it off with cold water.

Egg And Gram Flour

5. Gram Flour And Red Lentil Face Pack:

Red lentil used in this pack acts as a sound exfoliating agent and assigns an amazing fairness factor to your skin, combined with gram flour which imparts a rejuvenated and glowing factor to your besides aiding significantly in eradicating the issue of hirsutism in an astounding way at large.

Ingredients And Method Of Use:

Red lentil: 1tablespoon, finely grinded
Gram Flour: 1 tablespoon
Rose water: 3-4 teaspoons

Combine all the ingredients well and forma thick consistent paste. Next apply this paste all over your face focusing essentially on your forehead, areas above and below the lips, cheeks-where there is usually an excessive growth of hair. Let it be on for 20-25 minutes and then wash your face with Luke-warm water. For optimum results, apply this pack at least thrice a week.

Gram Flour And Red Lentil

6. Raw Milk And Mustard Seeds Face Pack:

Application of this amazing pack forms a sound exfoliating agent along with wiping off all the undesirable facial areas from your skin. Addition of raw-milk in this pack, assigns you with a brighter and softer looking skin, that is sure to grabs everyone’s attention.

Ingredients And Method Of Use:

Mustard Seeds: abut 3-4 tablespoons, roasted and coarsely grinded well.
Raw-milk: 3 teaspoons

Just combine both these specified ingredients well and then apply it on your face with wet fingertips. Next, massage generously this paste on your face for about 15-20 minutes. This will exfoliate all the undesirable facial hairs along with the removal of dead skin cells from your face. For optimum benefits, try to use this face mask at least thrice a week and it is optimally suggested to make it a part of your skin care regime.

Raw Milk And Mustard Seeds

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.