
Typhoid Fever – Treatment & Drugs

Typhoid Fever

We know that typhoid fever is a dangerous disease, which can prove to be fatal in the absence of any treatment. So, once you have been diagnosed with the systemic disease called typhoid fever, you must start taking its treatment as soon as possible. And if you fail to do so, it could lead to many complications such as intestinal bleeding and intestinal damage. In severe cases, it may also claim your life!

Till date, the only effective treatment developed for typhoid fever is the antibiotic therapy. The patient has to take the full course of these antibiotics in order to kill the Salmonella typhi bacteria completely. The most common antibiotics prescribed to the typhoid fever patients include ciprofloxacin and Ceftriaxone.

Ceftriaxone antibiotic

Ceftriaxone antibiotic is administered to the patients in the form of injections. It is usually prescribed to the women, who are pregnant. Children are also often administered Ceftriaxone. Doctors generally prescribed ciprofloxacin for the non-pregnant adults.

The above-mentioned drugs can cause some side effects. And if they are used for prolonged period then they can give rise to the antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. In the treatment of typhoid fever, the survival of the antibiotic-resistant bacteria is a serious problem. This problem is common mostly in the developing nations.

Initially, the drug named chloramphenicol was used for treating typhoid fever. But due to its side effects, an increased relapse rate and extensive bacterial resistance, it is no longer used for the treatment of typhoid fever.

High Calorie Foods

Recently, it has been found that Salmonella typhi, the bacteria responsible for the occurrence of typhoid fever, has also developed resistance to ampicillin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.

Apart from the antibiotic therapy, supportive therapy can also be used effectively to manage the typhoid fever symptoms and help the patients in recovering soon. This therapy suggests the intake of high calorie foods so as to replace the vital nutrients that are lost while you are fighting with your illness. Your meal should also be light and non-bulky. Take care to consume a healthy and nutritious diet.


Persistent fever and diarrhea are two major symptoms of typhoid fever. And both of these symptoms lead to dehydration in the body. Hence, drinking sufficient fluids can provide relief to the patients. And in case of severe dehydration, fluids may be given to the patients intravenously. This means that fluid is administered to the patient through a vein in the arm.

Typhoid Fever - Treatment & Drugs

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