Erythema Migrans

Erythema Migrans: Cause, Symptom and Treatment

Erythema Migrans is a skin condition which is characterized by skin rashes, blemishes and growths as allergic reaction to many factors. Any environmental factor or virus can be the cause. It is very important to consult doctor, if you find any change in the color or consistency of the skin.

This condition is linked with lyme disease. Erythema migrans is a rash which is associated with early stages of lyme disease. If a person is infected with lyme disease, these rashes will appear within a month. Initially, these rashes are small and red before expanding, at the point of tick bite. Rashes may be present on more than one location in some cases. Sometimes it is referred as bull’s eye in due to its appearance. It is not that all the persons who are affected by lyme disease will develop these rashes. But more often these rashes appear in the people infected with lyme disease.

Other Facts about Erythema migrans

 Any one, who is bitten by tick and develops Lyme disease, can get Erythema migrans. It can affect the people of any race or any sex. Children and adults are at equal risk of getting these rashes.

Erythema migrans is the early stage of lyme disease and hence it is caused by bit of a tick which is the carrier of this disease. Rash is not the result of allergic reaction to the bite but it is a skin infection by Lyme bacteria, known as Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. The actual name of rash is erythema chronicum migrans but commonly called as Erythema migrans and EM for short.

When person is bitten by a tick (a carrier tick) there will be appearance of circular rashes from day one to up to a month. Skin looks little raised on the area of rash. Central point of the rash looks like a bull’s eye, very clear. It may not be painful but when touched, it feels warm.

It can occur on any part of the body. However, thigh, trunk, armpits, groins, waist and knees are the commonly affected areas.

Symptoms of Erythema migrans

 Rashes start appearing within a month after being bitten by tick. First appearance of rash is small and then it starts expanding. Its size after expanding can be up to one foot. There is not itch or pain in the rash but there is warm feeling to touch.

This rash clears away after 3 to 4 weeks. Person may have headache, fever, fatigue and body ache like in common flu.

Diagnosis of Erythema migrans

 To confirm that the rash is from Erythema migrans, doctor has to confirm that person is infected from lyme disease. Presence of lyme disease is diagnosed by collecting the medical symptoms, history and blood sample of the individual. Once it is confirmed that person is suffering from lyme disease, it is quite simple to identify Erythema migrans rash. If tick bites in areas like buttocks which are not easy to view then rash can be missed and it is hard to find out Erythema migrans.

How Erythema migrans is treated?

 Most of the times, rash fades and disappears itself without ant treatment, within three to four weeks. To treat lyme disease, oral antibiotics are administered. These antibiotics are prescribed for at least three weeks to completely cure the problem. If the person is allergic to any kind of antibiotic, it is important to tell doctor before hand. Once the lyme disease is treated, Erythema migrans rash fades away itself within few weeks. Doctor may prescribe some kind of cream or ointment to prevent any irritation and itching in the rash. There may be reappearance of rash in some individuals.

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