Urticaria Pigmentosa

Urticaria Pigmentosa

Urticaria Pigmentosa is a form of mastocytosis. It is not a common disease. It occurs due to accumulation of large amount of mast cells in the skin. This results in formation of hives or lesions on the skin. Urticaria Pigmentosa is a form of cutaneous mastocytosis. This condition is associated with intense itching. Hive formed, keep spreading infected area is rubbed or scratched continuously.

What are the signs and Symptoms of Urticaria Pigmentosa?

 In the early stages of urticaria pigmentosa, skin is marked by brownish lesions. Often in early stages, patients tend to ignore the condition as a simple rash. But when these lesions are scratched and rubbed, welts and hives start appearing. Now at this point, this disease starts spreading to other parts of the body. Now it is really the time to consult doctor.

In severe case, other symptoms start appearing. Most common symptom in sever cases is diarrhea and it is dangerous if not taken care of. Other symptoms in this stage are headache, fast heart rate, fainting. Fainting is very rare, only found in untreated cases of urticaria pigmentosa.

Who are at Risk of urticaria pigmentosa?

 Urticaria pigmentosa is mostly seen in children under the age of five. During this age, this disorder is mild and can be easily cured. It is easy to treat at this stage. If it affects people more than age of five, symptoms become sever and it becomes difficult to treat them. In sever case, urticaria pigmentosa spreads to internal organs. Adults are prone to more severe form of urticaria pigmentosa.

What is the cause of urticaria pigmentosa?

 The exact external cause is not known for occurrence of urticaria pigmentosa. But the root cause is increase in histamine levels in body.

There are certain triggers which aggravate the symptoms of Urticaria Pigmentosa. These triggers include emotional stress, eye drops containing dextran, bacterial toxins, physical stimuli like heat, excessive perspiration or rubbing, morphine, alcohol etc.

How to diagnose the urticaria pigmentosa?

 There are two tests to confirm theurticaria pigmentosa. One is urine test to determine increased histamine level. Other one is skin biopsy to confirm the increase of mast cells in the skin.

What are the Treatments for urticaria pigmentosa

In most of the children, urticaria pigmentosa clears away once they reach puberty. In fact who get it before the age of five years, it is very common. If a patient gets this disease later in life, symptoms reduce with growing age.

 Urticaria pigmentosa can not be completely cured but there are treatments which can treat the symptoms associated with this disorder.

 Doctors prescribe anti-histamines to control itching. Itching and flushing should be controlled to prevent the skin from spreading. There may be several side effects associated with this treatment besides drowsiness. In case of children, consult doctor about any risk factors it may involve before starting the treatment.

If patient is an adult, doctor should prescribe more potent medicine to control the severe symptoms. Doctor prescribes medicines to treat diarrhea.

What are the Complications Associated?

There are not such big complications associated with urticaria pigmentosa. Itching and discomfort caused by it is the most common complication linked with it. Person can take medicines to control it. Lesions are part of symptoms of this disease which make the patient self conscious. Person can take the help of medicines for the relief of lesions.

Bee sting can cause sever allergic reactions in many cases of person suffering with urticaria pigmentosa. It is very important stay protected from bee sting.

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