Treatments For Encephalitis

The direct cause of encephalitis is a viral infection that is brought on by another viral disease or illness. While encephalitis is not a very common illness, it does affect a little over two-hundred thousand people each year. Those individuals that have a higher risk of infection include children, the elderly and anyone with a weak immune system.


If a person has one of these viral infections, such as measles, chicken pox, mumps, flu, rubella, shingles, or even herpes, there is a chance that encephalitis could develop. If you have one of these viral infections, you should discuss with your health care provider any concerns you may have about your risks of getting encephalitis.

Encephalitis Primary Symptoms and Diagnosis

Primary symptoms could include headaches, blurred vision, fever, fainting spells, body aches, mood swings and a change in behavior patterns. In certain rare cases a person could also go into a coma if left untreated and quite possibly die. The earlier the viral infection is detected the sooner treatment can begin.

Diagnosis of encephalitis can be determined by having blood tests and urine tests performed. When a health care provider runs these tests, they are attempting to isolate the virus that causes this disease. If the test results are indeterminate and symptoms are prevalent, then further neurologic tests, such as CT scans or MRI scans may be required.

Encephalitis Treatments

Since encephalitis is a virus there are not that many medications that can be prescribed. The best course of treatment is to get plenty of bed rest. You should also drink plenty of fluids, such as water and pure fruit juices. While infected with the disease your diet should consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as lean cuts of meat and fish. You should avoid all unhealthy foods.


Your health care provider may also prescribe the use of acetaminophen for headaches or fever. In certain cases you may also be prescribed certain antiviral medications. Other medications that could be prescribed are anti-inflammation medications and anti-convulsion drugs if you are having seizures. You should take all medications prescribed as instructed by your health care provider.


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